Since its establishment, ECS has been practicing a new work style and streamlining its operations by making full use of TECH (new tools applied digital technology) without being bound by common sense.
Until recently, this way of working was not understood and was even called insane.
He promotes remote operations and has partners based around the world working on projects, but there is no need to come all the way from faraway New York to Japan to get to his desk.

Our Daily Routine

One day he sent me a report via chat while traveling on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Only the World Cup is more fun to watch locally.
Although Howard and I have exchanged e-mails almost every day and have worked together on several projects, we have yet to meet. He lives in California. I am usually in Osaka, Japan.
They also use various social networking sites to send and share information from all over the world. Some information is known only to him and me, while others are available to everyone.
She and I are good friends and sometimes we chat and enjoy our weekends without work. It is a fun evening for me and an idyllic late afternoon for her.
It is rather efficient as we can take advantage of the time difference to make the most of our limited time with each other.

Our suggestion
A work style that was once insane and unrealistic is now in the limelight as a “work style reform.
Although I am uncomfortable with the Japanese meaning of the term “DX,” I believe that by referring to our experience, we can contribute, albeit in a small way, to new lifestyles and increased work efficiency.